Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten: A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Guest Post!
SUPER Cool idea!!! Have students write something nice about each of their classmates at the end of the year and put it into wordle
GOOD TO KNOW... Tick Removal: A nurse discovered a safe, easy way to remove ticks where they automatically withdraw themselves when you follow her simple instructions. "I had a pediatrician tell me what she believes is the best way to remove a tick..
20 Songs that Add Rhyme to Your Routine. We already do a couple similar songs to this especially for clean up time/shower time.
Looking for #Quotes, Life #Quote, #Love Quotes, Quotes about moving on, and Best Life Quotes here. Visit "Curiano Quotes Life"!
Campfire Safety That's Also Tasty -- a fun activity that teaches kids fire safety & basic fire building skills.
Measurement -- Longer/Shorter. Easy for my five year old but good practice for her to work independently. Was surprised my two year old sorted and match the lines on her own the way they are in the picture. Super easy to put together.
Cubiertos navideños, una super creativa forma de decorar la mesa de Navidad ¡Y solo se necesitan cartulinas y tijeras!