Want to create a hip-hop, rap, or urban beat? If yes than don’t let this chance slip away. SnapJam offers you an amazing opportunity to create web-based beats by yourself or collaborate with friends online. Use our hip hop beat maker now.
Based on the true story of Genie (Katie, in the movie) who was kept strapped to a potty-chair and locked inside a cage by her father. I learned about her in Psychology class and developed an interest in Feral Children.
No, I haven't read the book. But I fully intend to read "Life of Pi" before the movie comes out. The production value and casting sound interesting and of course the story alone sounds fascinating. I might just give it a try. At least it looks good
“We held hands. It’s funny, even at the height of our friendship, as guys, you’d never hold hands. I sat with him for a few hours when he was in treatment about 10 days from his death. We joked about things – just amusing, nut