things usually don't happen unless you make them happen
Click to view the full gallery of outspoken female students fighting back against sexist schools and teachers.
If God shuts a door, quit banging on it! Whatever was behind it, wasn't meant for you. Consider the fact that maybe He closed that door because
What a beauty!... this is why I could have cows they start out as cute babies and then I would name them not hamburger
// oooh. When people tell you things will be okay one day they will! However long it takes. You'll be yourself again.
I've been told many times that people can read my emotions through my eyes more than by what I'm saying
I did not happen to learn this a long time ago, only a few months ago. Give it some thought. Turns out to be true. They are not entitled and they will think what they want anyway.
From Lauren Conrad's blog -- very funny and it does make you feel better after you read/ watch all of the "funnies"
Being Sad and make other's happy is big thing... Keep inspiring , and be inspired by inspirational quotes
This weekend take some time to revisit your goals and re-inspire yourself. Mindfully remind yourself of what you hold important and what mak...