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American Flag Party Lights...tea stain small flags and tie around a mason jar with twine. Fill jar with sand and votive candles or tea lights or put candles in glass holders inside the jars.
Vectorial Animals by Bodea Daniel, via Behance // Petits animaux divers : chien, hérisson, lapin, chat, chèvre, hibou, mouton, coq, oiseau, sanglier, cochon, cheval, souris, vache, requin, âne, baleine, poisson, dauphin, tortue, renne,
Beautiful swirly tree. I'm planning on painting this on the wall and then adding pictures of our family to create a unique "family tree."
Most Dinka boys and girls don't cry when the local sorcerer takes a red-hot knife to their dark faces. If they wince or cry or react to the pain they will lose face in the community, so it's best to sit through the process in peace. Facial scarificat
From teapot to the first star on the right and straight on til morning. :) building the tattoo library.