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always by Nene Thomas. I love her artwork! I have three L.E. Prints and a bunch of smaller ones...I want this piece as a tattoo!
American Flag Party Lights...tea stain small flags and tie around a mason jar with twine. Fill jar with sand and votive candles or tea lights or put candles in glass holders inside the jars.
Vectorial Animals by Bodea Daniel, via Behance // Petits animaux divers : chien, hérisson, lapin, chat, chèvre, hibou, mouton, coq, oiseau, sanglier, cochon, cheval, souris, vache, requin, âne, baleine, poisson, dauphin, tortue, renne,
Beautiful swirly tree. I'm planning on painting this on the wall and then adding pictures of our family to create a unique "family tree."
From teapot to the first star on the right and straight on til morning. :) building the tattoo library.