Goal Setting in the Classroom- love this. Students set goals they can measure. Teacher should set a goal and reflect on it too. Class can share and support each other in achieving goals. Love this!
You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child. – Dr. Seuss Take time today to read to a child. It’s the best gift of time and love you can give any child.
cute circle time activity for farm theme: "who gathered eggs from the chicken coop?" w/ props, following directions, turn-taking, repetitive rhyme/chant.
Writing tips. 1. write all the time. 2. read widely and deeply 3. write what you want to write. 4 collect your insprations. (write yourself our of blocks.)
Back to school activity - really fun for elementary grades... Have done this in a variety of ways in my day...but not anything "back to school." Looks like fun for the first week or so... (sit in circle..outside..)