Cute baby nap precious:-) OMG ive ALWAYS wanted to do this! my horse khoal would never let me as a baby! hahahah i got close ONe time and as soon as he found out he bucked at me! lol :/ jealous!
12 Cats Thrilled to Be Dressed in Geeky Costumes: The canines and humans of the world have their costumes set for Halloween, but how could we forget the most important member of the household (and the entire Internet) — the cat.
All breeds of horses have a history, whether it be ancient or modern and the Gypsy Horse is no different. He is known across the world by many different names. ie. Gypsy Horse, Gypsy Cob, Gypsy Vanner, Irish Cob and Tinker
This horse is a paint/pinto (once again pretty much meaning the same thing). Notice the facial markings, you could almost call it a bald face, but in this case you would call it skewbald or piebald. The color, besides being a paint, is a dun. The var
An everyday black cat becomes symbolic once a year on halloween. We are told that having a black cat run by you on haloween symbolize bad luck. Without symbolism this cat would be nothing but a cat. This being said symolism affects our everyday life.