Don't say cheer-leading isn't a sport until you have been one. And never take a cheerleader for granted after all...they are the leaders supporting you and cheering you on in your sport/activities. Give them the same respect and support.
Switching to clipless pedals can be a great way to improve speed, efficiency and comfort on the bike. But that doesn't mean it's easy. Use these tips to steer clear of a beginner's blunder.
Single fin surfboard art--I dig the look of delicate Dutch tea china, or is is japonica? I dunno that girlie stuff too much, just know this is freaking awesome!
Zo'n vijfhonderd als kerstman verklede Nieuwediepers rennen zondagmiddag 22 december drie kilometer door de binnenstad van Den Helder. Dat hoopt de Rotary Club Den Helder althans.
Tostão! Maior jogador do Cruzeiro de todos os tempos. Explodiu para o país em 1966, quando seu time ganhou a Taça Brasil contra o temível Santos de Pelé. Disputou as Copas de 1966 e de 1970, quando chegou a ser apontado como