A minimalist bachelor bathroom in black and white . marble, slate, antonio lupi. SHADES OF GRAY - A MINIMALIST PENTHOUSE by ARSENIY KERZMAN, via Behance
Delta�Trask Stainless Steel 1-Handle Pull-Down Kitchen Faucet. New for our kitchen to replace the chrome pull out that we killed in a matter of 3 years.
Instale móveis suspensos. Enxergar o chão – ou o tapete -desaparecendo debaixo dos móveis faz o espaço parecer maior. “Você ganha área de circulação e leveza”, explica Diego. “Seu p
#Ranch #HomePlan 45476 has 1258 square feet of living space, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Central & open to the floor plan, the kitchen and family room separate the master suite from the the smaller bedrooms. Walk through the dining area to the ba