What if everybody did that by Ellen Javernick Great way to teach the importance of rules at the beginning of the year. Special needs kids especially need the reason for rules to be demonstrated visually.
How to make a sensory treasure basket for baby. Kids get bored with plastic baby toys Heuristic Play Part I - The Treasure Basket | Little Acorns to Mighty Oaks
Teaches kids how to use adjectives and allows them a chance to get used to standing up in front of a classroom full of children. A shy child could be a possible downfall of completing this activity to its fullest extent.
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 plans are similar but different. Learn how they compare in what they provide and the processes and laws involved.
Did this in counselling. For EVERY negative thought about yourself, there is an unhealthy way of thinking present. These are those ways of thinking that feed your negativity and keep you in a shitty mindset. BE AWARE.
The Borgen Project is an innovative, national campaign that works with U.S. leaders to improve their response to the global poverty crisis. We fight for the underdog. #BuildtheMovement
Oh wow this site has a whole bunch of visual supports and you can open and download them either in PDF or Boardmaker. Perfect since I don't have Boardmaker on my computer so I can open in PDF!
drawing challenge - might be a fun "classroom goal" (get a art party at the end of the month?) - drawn in doodle books that they only show if they want to