A 16 oz. water bottle will hold 8-9 large eggs. Pre-scrambling your eggs will save you the trouble of having to figure out a way of transporting them. It also eliminates the need for a separate bowl and whisk.-Camping Hacks
Paracord: Everything You’ll Ever Need to Know | Find the best bug out gear for your personal survival pack at survivallife.com #preppers #survivalist #bugoutbag
50 best places to camp in texas. Lots of these are in West Texas! Too bad I don't camp. Check out number one! Not far from us at all if any friends should care to stop by for a hot bath afterwards.
If these roots could talk.... They'd tell you to stand firm and whether the storm, enjoy the view within a strong foundation, dance with the wind and shimmer in the sun. (A.S.)
Backyard hammock I would love this! A beach is beyond the grass... A beer in my hand relaxing in a hammock on the beach with my family... I sooo need this! :-)
Contemporary Zen-like landscape installation giving this townhome's entrance quite the curb appeal wouldn't you say? To see more ideas like this visit http://bylands.com