Some mornings it's best just to fill the sink with coffee, dunk your head in it and suck. ----TODAY!
I remember a teacher giving us this sentence in middle school and asking us to punctuate. It was a great lesson and definitely revealing!
What if Disney princesses had realistic waistlines? Healthier waistlines for them and healthier self-esteem for us growing up. Buzzfeed's Loryn Brantz decided to digitally edit six famous Disney ladies -- Ariel ("The Little Mermaid"), Pocahontas ("Po
David, I thought I have loved before , this is so the most amazing feeling I have ever had !! Deep love for you is fun , exciting , loving , warm , the list goes on !! My love for you will never die !!
YES. I have a really good memory so I have to play it safe a lot and pretend I didn't know that, or just ask questions I know the answer to.
can't.stop.laughing...reminds me of middle school when Leslie brought the measels or mumps back with her from Spring Break and the whole school had to get the gym. Thanks T, that was great!