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DIY Bar -- Add wheels that lock to the back. Lightweight frame, moveable - yet looks permanent. Would add nice solid wood top to it. :-)
square foot gardening: "50 % of the Cost, 20% of the Space, 10% of the Water, 5% of the Seeds, 2% of the Work" also see
DIY Cactus Garden. A perfect gift for Mother's Day! >>
Living Wall These vegetated surfaces don’t just look pretty. They have other benefits as well, including cooling city blocks, reducing loud noises, and improving a building’s energy efficiency.What’s more, a recent modeling study s
Are you looking for a way to bring back the shine and lustre on your faded aluminum patio furniture. Here's a simple ingredient that will make that a breeze.
The beautiful dried seedhead of wild bergamot (aka bee balm or monarda), a native prairie wildflower