2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, cold water. Mix until has consistency of play dough. Imprint & Bake at 250 for 2 hours, then cool and spray with metallic paint.
How to Create Amazing Art from Antique Paper Collectibles, Ephemera: How to use Antique Paper Scraps to Create Chandelier Crystal Jewelry Pendants, Ornaments, Decorations
Great idea to make a pathway with rock footprints imbedded in the path. The rocks could represent kids, grandkids, friends, family, those that have passed away or the steps you have taken in the right direction to change your life. The meaning coul
Mandrake Amigurumi Crochet Pattern by MrFox on Etsy ERMAHGERD I need to make 800 of these and have them all over the place. I also need to make 800 of each of the other things in this shop.
31 Days of Less & More--Day 17: Less Mindless Spending. Join this month long, life-changing challenge to fill your life with less heartache but more joy, less stress but more peace, and less stuff but more contentment.