"The Way" Movie -- Martin Sheen plays Tom, an American doctor who comes to St. Jean Pied de Port, France to collect the remains of his adult son, killed in the Pyrenees in a storm while walking The Camino de Santiago, also known as The Way of Saint
USA Network - Mr. Robot (TV Series 2015– ) Hulu currently doesn't have the rights to make this show available on your TV or mobile devices — request to be notified if it becomes available in Hulu Plus.
Mr. Bennet: An unhappy alternative lies before you, Elizabeth. Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr Collins, and I will never see you again if you do.
It's not the pixar film I expected but a great film nonetheless. Brave doesn't have the impact or innovation usually present in their films but a masterful creator can still tell an old story.