"The Way" Movie -- Martin Sheen plays Tom, an American doctor who comes to St. Jean Pied de Port, France to collect the remains of his adult son, killed in the Pyrenees in a storm while walking The Camino de Santiago, also known as The Way of Saint
storyowls: “ The masquerade scene in the 25th edition of POTO is so serious when the phantom shows up and so scary. But back-stage Ramin Karimloo is just..."
MORE Great Chapter Books for Preschoolers. Whether you are just starting to read chapter books to your kids or have a more experienced listener, you'll find some excellent choices here for 3, 4, and 5 year olds! Brief reviews of each.
| Problems Of A Book Nerd #83: "When I say 'I wish they would turn this book into a movie." What I really mean IS.. | YES! I swear I wrote this myself! Oh and also I think I would like to be the Director too.. I think BBC's Masterpiece mini series' (
Katniss: "Whoop, I'm knocked up." Gale: "WTF Catnip!! R u srs??!" Snow: "I wonder if I can just blow this place up and kill her now.." Districts: "OMG little whore." Mrs. Everdeen: "I should've given her the birds and the bees talk while I had the ch