...feels good on the inside..... ღღ

Daily Quote

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Bright colors are pretty. But you'll find the richest meanings and the darkest tales if you look at the darker tones.

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12 Super Sweet Quotes About Sisters for Sisters Day

"well, that explains a lot"..... ya.. im ashamed that this is totally me.. lol

The first murder was committed with a rock. Shall we ban all rocks? After all, there are a lot more rocks in the world than guns. Let's deal with the real problem: evil in the hearts of men.

It's not how we make mistakes, but how we correct them that DEFINES us.

Except that I am extremely patient, too. But if I'm able to make something happen, I will, and it won't take me long.

amen. such a powerful statement regarding relationships of all kinds and forms ❤tami

If you dont watch "An Idiot Abroad" you need to start. it is pee in your pants funny.

Find yourself, and be that. #wisdom #affirmations

Just a hard day, not a bad day.

Omg, I seen this on my husbands 2nd year anniversary of his death. Signs are everywhere.. I love god

28 #Sad #Love #Quotes For When You Lose Confidence In Your Love

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she didn't need to be saved; she just needed to feel loved

2 Corinthians 5:17 ~ Romans 6:4 ~ 1 Peter 4:2

Never take mans word concerning The Bible. Check for yourself so you won't be mislead.

Just because things hadn't gone the way I'd planned didn't necessarily mean they'd gone wrong.

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(Matthew 6:33) But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

"Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." That's why we could care less about you. I'm happy to see we still get under your skin though. We haven't thought about you in almost a decade but we're flattered you

Post your #PrayerRequest on Instapray. #Pray with the whole world ---------> www.instapray.com

Grab a plate & throw it. Did it break? Now say sorry! Did it fix itself? Do U understand now? Picture quote.

Life…everything happens for a reason:)

I checked the clock at 9:16... Cool air was blowing in through the sun roof and we were drunk off each other's laughter. I was happy.

I miss you. A little too much, a little too often, and a little bit more every day. #missingyou Missing You: 22 Honest Quotes About Grief

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