Texas sage . full sun and drought tolerant...I wonder if I can get this in Ontario. :D
How To Grow Potatoes In a Barrel (4 Easy Steps) from greenupgrader.com-this would be such an amazing way to save money.
Make Your Own No-Space Potato Barrel Enjoy homegrown potatoes no matter how much space you have with these step-by-step instructions for creating and using a potato barrel.
Variegated Solomon's Seal is a hardy shade perennial that thrives in and out of the ground... it lasts a long time in water, & it tolerates dry soil once established, and sprouts dainty white dangling flowers in spring. ~Norfolk Botanical Garden
Preparing Perennials for Winter. http://www.bhg.com/gardening/flowers/perennials/preparing-perennials-for-winter/?sssdmh=dm17.701237&esrc=nwdi111013
Diana, Princess of Wales Hybrid Tea: Full buds flower into imperial, ivory colored blooms with a soft pink blush. And, the substantial petals are richly perfumed with a lovely, antique rose scent. Standing tall in your garden, the generous bush produ
This is the cutest potting shed that was a potty shed a.k.a. outhouse in its former life. You can find out more at Up Country Olio.
Country Landscaping. Warwickshire England I have had very vivid dreams of reading in the spot...past life maybe?
Daylilies and hostas! two hard to kill or in other words, easy to grow plants that make this bed look marvelous! And both plants multiply, too!